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<em>The Rocky Horror Picture Show</em> originally emerged as a musical stage performance in 1973 before evolving into a cult classic film by 1975. Fast forward to nearly 50 years later, it's making a grand return in the form of a vintage-inspired video game. Slated for release by Halloween, this game will present "8-bit chiptune renditions of Rocky Horror's iconic tracks," featuring hits like the "Time Warp." As described by <em>The Wrap</em>, the game is set to mesmerize with "8-bit-styled graphics that beautifully revive the film's memorable settings and characters, creating a blend of '80s nostalgia with the movie's '70s retro charm." This engaging experience will be accessible on platforms like Sony PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and Steam. Get ready to dive into this nostalgic adventure!
<p><a href="https://www.thewrap.com/rocky-horror-picture-show-video-game/">Source: The Wrap</a></p>
<p><strong>Explore More:</strong></p>
<li><a href="#">How The Rocky Horror Picture Show Became a Cult Phenomenon</a></li>
<li><a href="#">1978 News Report on the Rocky Horror Craze Featuring a Teenage Michael Stipe in Drag</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Rare Interview: Tim Curry Discusses The Rocky Horror Picture Show During Its Debut Week (1975)</a></li>
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